2021 Here We Come

Here we are lovelies. We have finally made it to the end of what may feel like the longest year of our lifetime. 2020 was the roller coaster ride we never knew we were in line for and nobody knew how to get off. I am sure I can speak for all of us in saying that 2021 can’t come soon enough. I have never been a fan of New Year’s Resolutions, but I am an avid advocate for year-end purging. Giving the home a deep clean, (I’m talking from the baseboards to the dust bunnies under the bed) clearing one’s closet of clothing that represents an expired identity, and ejecting the junk in our emails are just a few of the year-end tasks that can create a decluttered close to another chapter in our life’s journey.
After “sparking joy” all over your home consider continuing to do so in your heart. I love to write for many reasons but admittedly so the greatest reason I find myself putting pen to paper is to express myself without apology or pressure. Journaling has many benefits and is an incredible form of self-care. I plan on purchasing this book for being braver in 2021 and this one for personal expression. If you aren’t one to write until your hand tires, I highly recommend this one that only requires you to write one line a day and will last you 5 years!
Finally, after the cleaning, and “sparking joy” in the home and heart, let’s level-up in the form of education. The wisest of people are the ones who are smart enough to know that they always have more to learn. The thirst for knowledge and the bettering of oneself begins at birth and never truly ends so long as we actively flex our curiosity muscle. Masterclass is something I have had on my radar all 2020 and I plan on finally purchasing this plethora of online classes to further foster my creativity and knowledge of subjects I wish to cultivate. This book is going to be a page-turner for sure as I continue to assert myself and my identity.
Before I close this final entry for 2020 I want you to know that in spite of all 2020 has thrown your way, you’re still here, you’ll always have more ahead of you than behind you, and you’re you and that is ALWAYS enough. Let’s close this chapter and turn the page lovely…