FashionShayla Surely

Keds X Kate Spade

FashionShayla Surely
  Keds X Kate Spade

Shoes. How do I even begin to express the magnitude of my love for shoes? I feel as If loving shoes has been embedded into my DNA and enforced through my upbrining. Growing up, I witnessed first-hand the instant series of emotions shoes evoked from the females in my very fashionable family. No matter the store my mother, grandmother, and aunts would almost instinctually know where the shoe department was, and like a disciplined military platoon on a mission divide and conquer their target.

There need not be an occasion nor necessity to move those wonderful women towards the perfect pair. If it caught their eye it was worth a try. "Those are cute." was like an incantation constantly on repeat as all the women in my life tried on shoes and showed them to one another. I would often smile and join the repetitious rhetoric taking in how these women not only bought beautiful shoes, but bonded. Fast forward to adulthood and I find myself not only loving shoes as much as those lovely ladies, but making memories, marking moments, and celebrating self with my version of the perfect pair.

Recently I was gifted my dream shoes and they weren't Louboutins. Having just celebrated 13 years of surviving a personal trauma, my hero of a husband decided to purchase and present to me the pair of shoes I have wanted since they were first debuted- Keds by Kate Spade New York Glitter Sneakers. See, out of the insurmountable number of shoes my mother owned, her Keds were my favorite. Although simple those shoes were significant in giving comfort and ease to a mother of four taking on life's daily tasks. I valued those shoes, but even more the person those shoes fit. Shortly after Keds almost disappeared I made peace that I would never have a pair that spoke to my very unique personality. Years later Kate Spade came to my aid. I vowed that one day when I have something really special to celebrate I will purchase a pair of Keds by Kate Spade. Crying uncontrollabe tears of joy in our apartment and clutching the shoe box against my chest I finally felt what my female family members taught me without even knowing, that a great pair of shoes is nothing until the right woman's feet are in them and that her story is told with every stride. Shelly's Keds told the story of a magnificent mother and my story is just beginning.

| Keds X Kate Spade New York Glitter Sneakers

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