Shayla surely

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The Zoom Meeting Blouse

Let’s face it. The zoom meeting isn’t going anywhere any time soon. Business on top and…whatever on the bottom is the year’s biggest fashion trend and I for one am here for it. I have been a full-time, fully virtual student since March and so I have mastered the art of looking halfway put together for a long day of zoom classes. What’s my secret weapon? Keep it clean and classic with just a touch of femininity and this type of blouse does just that.

Affectionately known by me as the bib collar blouse the large collar blouse or Peter Pan collar blouse is a trend that is sweeping stores and websites swiftly. What makes this piece so zoom perfect is the statement-making collar on top of a simple silhouette. No matter what view, be it gallery or one-on-one with an instructor I feel both appropriate and pretty on a screen that is far from flattering. So I know you’re wondering where you too can get your zoom ready large collar blouse. Don’t worry, I got you. I have the black version of this one, but this bold leopard print version is just plain magnificent. This dress is perfect for a one and done look, and this dress is perfect for when in-person meetings occur once again. Have fun with this trend. Put your own spin on it and be sure to wear it at your next zoom meeting. I know I will.